Pain and I
Graphic Score
The Pain and I Graphic Score exists as both digital experience (scroll down to access) and zine publication. Designed by Rachel O'Neill and Michaella Pointon with images by Brian Hartley, the score documents the different elements of the performance - text, movement, music – to create a unique visual piece for anyone to experience.
This distinctive artwork aims less to represent or imitate the performance and more to creatively explore and share its qualities and intentions. The score can be a reflective and support document for those who have experienced the performance, audio piece and/or installation, as well as an artwork in its own right to be experienced by those who have not seen or heard the other versions of Pain and I.
Scroll down to experience the digital Graphic Score.

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Dear viewer,
Hello. My name's Sarah,
I am 35 years old,
and I'm in companionship with pain.
You might be on your own or with others - perhaps you are with a support worker or care giver, or a human or animal companion. If you are inside, you can choose a room or space where you can relax. If you are outside, you can choose a place where you feel safe and at ease. You could be in your bed, on a mat, in a wheelchair, on a sofa, on a park bench, up a mountain, on the train, in a café, or somewhere else. Throughout this experience feel free to do what is most comfortable for you – you can sit, stand, lie down, stretch, lean, move around. You can stim, snack, drink, make noise, look away, close your eyes.
Take however long you need to settle in to where you are. Wherever you are, and however you are feeling, it is perfect.
If the content becomes too much, you can come back to it at another point. You can spend however much or little time with this document as you wish.
You do not need to be a polite viewer - you’re invited to do what is most caring for your body and mind.
This space does not merely accept you but needs you to be you for it to be itself. This space shakes its head at pressure and judgement. It wants another way. This is a space to rest into your body, to acknowledge yourself however you are, and to settle in to the richness of listening to pain.
Take your time. Breathe. Allow yourself to breathe with the images and words. When you are ready, enter the score by clicking the image below.